Trust Koddos for online protection

In front of more and more aggressive and vicious web hackers, more and more internet users are victim of web attacks. And the first target of these attacks are the professionnals : threats, blackmail, extortion... So how to protect yourself efficiently from this kind of attack on the web ?

How to protect yourself from hacking

To protect yourself from the hacking on the web, firstly you have to adopt the following good practices. It especially involves more care about securing the access to your several accounts with a password. Choose a password not only difficult to guess by a human being, but also hard to break by a bot. Preferably, it has to be long enough, contain at least a capital letter, a number and a special character. This way, you should be able to reduce the risk of being hacked. Moreover, do not forget to configure a firewall and an antivirus software on your computer, to protect yourself from potential malwares. Unfortunately, all these precautions do not guarantee a full protection for the servers, or even directly your website. For example, the ddos attacks target directly the traffic of a website, and it is difficult for a private to protect himself from it.

Choose the best protection for your website

If you are afraid of being hacked, it can make sense to call a professional of security on the web. Indeed, they are many speicalized societies which deal with the security problems, to protect your website from all kind of hacking. It is the case of, which provides many services of protection for your website. That includes a constant watch of your trafic in real time, to detect instantly the potential attacks. Then, the Koddos team takes care of purifying your traffic to remove all the ddos attacks, while ensuring the service continuity. This way you will always be sure of being well protected, and you will be able to manage your business peacefully.

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